Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Killing me softly with his blog?

I read the results of a new study suggesting that watching TV is bad for your health.  And it's not because it correlates with less exercise and poor health.  Read this excerpt:

Researchers tracked the TV-viewing habits of 8,800 adults and followed them for six years. They found those who spent four hours daily in front of the tube had an 80 percent greater risk of dying from cardiovascular disease than those who watched the box for less than two hours. The association was independent of risks such as smoking, obesity and unhealthy diet.

Prolonged inactivity, which can raise blood-sugar and cholesterol levels, is to blame for the health effects, not the appliance itself, said David Dunstan, a study author and researcher at Baker IDI Heart & Diabetes Institute in Melbourne.(Source)


“Too much sitting is bad for health,” said Dunstan, a professor of health sciences. “Avoid sitting for prolonged periods and keep in mind to move more, more often.”

So sitting for extended periods is bad for your blood-sugar and cholesterol.  Go figure.  Sitting in front of a computer isn't very different from sitting in front of a TV, is it?  So is blogging bad for your health?  Should I sue my boss for making me work at a desk all day?  At home, maybe I should raise my desk and blog while standing up?  Better yet, let me setup a treadmill or a stationary bike in front of my PC...
