Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Pro-Life Leaders From 170 Countries Praise Bishops Who Withheld Funds from Development and Peace

OTTAWA, October 13, 2009 (LifeSiteNews.com) - As the Bishops of Canada prepare to meet for their annual Plenary Assembly in Cornwall Ontario later this month, the International Right to Life Federation (IRTL) has written the bishops a letter regarding the recent controversy over the international development arm of the Conference - the Canadian Catholic Organization for Development and Peace (D&P). Investigations over the past year have revealed that D&P has been funding dozens of organizations that support abortion and contraception, or otherwise undermine Catholic moral teaching.

The IRTL letter was sent to the Primate of Canada, Quebec City Cardinal Marc Ouellet.

Representing national pro-life organizations from over 170 countries, the IRTL thanks "the Canadian bishops who have prudently decided to withhold funds in the future from projects of the Canadian Catholic Organization for Development and Peace until it has been determined that the recipients do not promote issues contrary to the teachings of the Catholic Church."

I hope the CCCB will stop denying the obvious.  I only hurts their credibility with each passing day.