Sunday, December 6, 2009

Good start, but we need much more

Bishop James Wingle of St. Catharines recently made some very strong and inspiring comments about the need for Catholics to be more involved in pro-life activities.  This is certainly great news.  Thank you Bishop Wingle.

We need more bishops to sound the clarion call.  But that's not nearly enough.  We also need the bishops themselves to be active leaders in pushing the pro-life cause, even if it earns them scorn and hate from politicians and the media.  Heck, anybody who's been involved in the pro-life movement knows that scorn and hate are par for the course. If you don't get insulted at least 10 times per year, you're not doing your job as a pro-lifer.

Here's a quote from the bishop:

"If we could get families, parishes, schools to appreciate that this is something highly significant and a great moral witness as well as a great opportunity for education and even a chance to celebrate life together, perhaps we could change more minds," Bishop Wingle concluded.

Wonderful.  I couldn't agree more.  But why is it always the laity that have to organize these things without any logistical support or even just moral support from their bishop?  Do you know how much easier it would be to organize these things if a bishop were to demand that all parishes advertise and recruit for pro-life causes?

At the plenary assembly of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops, the CCCB made some important commitments to get involved in pro-life issues.  I wrote a blog post on that issue and I refer you to the comments I made at the time. 

Keep up the good work, Bishop Wingle.  But please make sure you participate actively in pro-life events, not just as one more person in the crowd, but as a leader and shepherd. Please stand with us at the front-line, in the line of fire, not at the back. 